Anatolian Shepherd Dogs In Australia
Imported Dogs & Imported Frozen Semen contributing to current Anatolian Shepherd Dogs in Australia
- 2008 International & European & Italian Champion Zwingli Des Poteries (BELGIUM) - semen
- 2010 American Champion Dogru's Turkish Passport (USA) - semen
- 2012 Romanian Champion Bonnie (Import TURKEY)
- 2014 Mert Birinci Panter Kangal D K Bubu (Import POLAND)
- 2014 Australian Champion Bilal Caglar'dan Dortgoz (Import TURKEY)
- 2015 Panter Aslan (Import TURKEY)
- 2015 Panter Kelebek (Import TURKEY)
- 2015 Vadi Hugo Night Prowler (Import NEW ZEALAND)
- 2015 Romanian Champion Aslan (Import TURKEY)
- 2015 Titanium (Import TURKEY)
- 2015 American Grand Champion Horizon's Samson Of Carpe Diem (USA) - semen
- 2016 Australian Champion Shepherds Rest Beyaz (Import USA)
Catalogue of imports to Australia 1985 - 1997
Between 1985 and 1997, 23 Anatolian Shepherd Dogs plus 3 Kangal Dogs were imported to Australia.
Of the original 23 Anatolian Shepherd Dog imported, 16 are represented via their descendants in the gene pool today.
NB: Dogs marked in grey italics are no longer represented in the gene pool.
- Truvas Febiha
- Anadol Barcak
- Seacop Tipi
- Seacop Korsan
- Kamish Mavi
- Hisar Kale
- Tuzlali Remzo
- Anadol Bachi
- Tuzlaba Renga
- Hisar Kader
- Keneven Cala
- Kamish Meram At Iradene
- Kurtkir Kahhar
- Tuzlala Raki
- Hisar Maraza
- Tuzlara Rezim
- Hisar Kadar
- Kerubi Of Hex
- Hisar Mimar
- Hisar Lama
- Tuzlara Resil
- Anadol Goeka Yeni Kan
- Anadol Goeka Yeni Amir
- Ayla - Kangal Dog
- Kangal Aga’s Ulu Bey - Kangal Dog
- Sivas Regals Pasha - semen - Kangal Dog
Introduction of the Anatolian Shepherd Dog to Australia
The Anatolian Shepherd Dog was imported to Australia in February 1985, as a working livestock guardian dog to assist Australian Farmers in their sheep and goat enterprises.
"The Karabash was imported for the Australian Farmer to increase the lambing rate [60%] ...
Because of the size of Australian Farmers' properties they are unable to check the ewes day and night. The use of the guarding dogs should see this lambing rate increased greatly with the foxes and domestic dog packs unable to penetrate the paddocks."
Sue Freshwater, RANSU (aka Western Foundation Stud).
"The Anatolian Karabash has a big future in Australia not only protecting sheep from predators but guarding valuable livetock against thieves."
Dean Beynon, IRADENE kennel (aka Eastern Foundation Stud), May 1986.
The first Anatolian Shepherd Dog to arrive in Australia was Truvas Febiha, an Anatolian Karabash, imported from England by Randall and Sue Freshwater of RANSU Angora Goats.
Four month old Truvas Febiha (Imp UK) arrived into Quarantine Western Australia in February 1985, and was followed one month later, by five month old Anadol Barcak (Imp UK).
Simultaneously on the East Coast of Australia, Dean and Irene Beynon of IRADENE Angora Goats, imported male dog Seacop Korsan and bitch in whelp, Seacop Tipi (Imp UK), to produce the first litter in Australia, registered under the the breed name of Anatolian Shepherd Dog.
From this litter of 10 puppies, was born IRADENE WINSOME, the foundation bitch of Terry Page's COOETONG kennel - Australia's longest serving Anatolian Karabash breeder. Cooetong progeny from Iradene Winsome is the most influential dam line present in Anatolian Shepherd Dogs in Australia today.
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Economic Crisis and Recession impacts on the breed
The impact of the early 1990s 'Recession Australia had to have' and the consequent catastrophic slump in Agriculture, on Anatolian Shepherd Dogs living on farms throughout Australia must not be underestimated.
Many Australian Farmers lost their livelihoods, landholdings, farms, stock ... the fate of sheep, goats and cattle during the crisis, was also the fate of the working dogs that lived with them. Many dogs, and small farm breeders which were the foundation and backbone of the breed in Australia, disappeared from the Australian Register.
Australian Anatolian Shepherd Dog foundation breeder, Marjorie Johnston of Niliamongup kennel. Pictured above with her first import Hisar Kadar (Imp UK). Marjorie imported 9 Anatolian Shepherd Dogs to Australia. Her dogs worked throughout mainland Australia, guarding sheep, goats, horses, cattle, and poultry.
1998 Breed Split into Anatolian Shepherd and Kangal Dog
Anatolian Shepherd Dogs in Australia divided in to ANKC Anatolian Shepherd Dogs and ANKC Kangal Dogs.
Contributed towards stagnancy of the gene pool, and breeders leaving the breed.
The genetic bottle neck which came to a head a decade later, abetted by restrictive ANKC registration requirements, were the driving forces behind the review of the status of Anatolian Shepherd Dog and Kangal Dog in Australia.
A disillusioned breeder base and lack of breeder impetus, resulted in no Anatolian Shepherd Dogs imported to Australia for the years for the duration of the breed split.
For more information about separating the breed into Anatolian Shepherd and Kangal Dog in Australia see: Splitting the breed into Kangal and Anatolian
For more information about the Kangal Dog breed in Ausralia see: Kangal Dog breed development.
2010 - 2017: Resurgence of the Anatolian Shepherd Dog In Australia
There have been two fundamental ANKC Registry changes, which have enabled and influenced the breeding and numbers of Anatolian Shepherd Dogs in Australia.
The first was the 2011 ANKC agreement to abide by the F.C.I. Standing Orders for mutual recognition of pedigrees. This required the ANKC to uphold all pedigrees issued by F.C.I. Members and Contract Partners – irrespective of incomplete information, or if ancestral dogs contained registration details unfamiliar to the ANKC.
eg: AKC registered dogs with non-AKC registered Turkish imports in their pedigree, and European imports with incomplete F.C.I. pedigrees.
The second fundamental change, was the ANKC rescission of its 1998 breed split, to recognise the Kangal Dog as an independent and separate breed.
As of 1st January 2012, all Registered Kangal Dogs and Anatolian Shepherd dogs are registered as Anatolian Shepherd Dogs in Australia, and all imported K.I.F. Kangal Dogs are re-registered under the breed name: Anatolian Shepherd Dog.
The Australian experience being that simultaneous recognition of a developed breed, and country of origin developing breed, did not equate to breed differentiation in a pedigree system.
Looking to the future: outlook for Anatolian Shepherd Dogs in Australia
On January 1, 2017 the ANKC activated policy to prevent imported dogs with blanks in their pedigrees from re-registration in Australia. This has immediate effect on Anatolian Shepherd Dogs in Australia, as it drastically culls the worldwide gene pool available to Australian Anatolian Shepherd Dog breeders.
The fortunes of the breed in Australia, have waxed and waned on the ability of the breeders to access suitable breeding stock. In June 2018, FCI Standard No. 331 Anatolian Shepherd Dog was renamed to Kangal Shepherd Dog, and the breed standard content was revised. All FCI Anatolian Shepherd Dogs are now FCI Kangal Shepherd Dogs.
For more information on the 2018 FCI breed standard change from Anatoilan Shepherd Dog to Kangal Shepherd Dog, see Making Anatolian Shepherd Dogs into Kangal Shepherd Dogs: the Turkish Kennel Club solution.
Photographs from the past ~ forebears of Australia's Anatolian Shepherd Dogs
![]() Philip Johnston on the family farm in West Australia. With imported puppies, Tuzlara Resil (Imp UK) & Hisar Kadar (Imp UK) ow: M Johnston NILIAMONGUP |
![]() Sue Freshwater with Ransu Yarin Melbourne Royal, 1987. |
Terry Page COOETONG, with foundation dogs Iradene Winsome & Ransu Marchael
Seacop Tipi (Imp UK) - brood bitch of IRADENE
Dam of the first registered Anatolian Shepherd Dog litter in Australia,
including Iradene Winsome - foundation female of the most enduring damline in Australia.
Sire: Kibirli Kabil (IIU Turkey) Dam: Seacop Yosun
ow: D & I Beynon IRADENE
Truvas Febiha (Imp UK) - foundation bitch of RANSU
first Anatolian Shepherd Dog imported to Australia
Sire: Anadol Nimrud (UK) Dam: Hisar Yarin (UK)
ow: S & R Freshwater RANSU
Anadol Nimrud (UK) Hisar Yarin (UK)
sire of Truvas Febiha (Imp UK) dam of Truvas Febiha (Imp UK)
Anadol Barcak (Imp UK) @ 10months - foundation dog of RANSU Kalkan Kadir Teshub (UK)
Sire: Kalkan Kadir Teshub (IIU Turkey) Dam: Kehlibaar Kanyak (UK) sire of Anadol Barcak (Imp UK)
ow: S & R Freshwater RANSU
Kerubi Of Hex (Imp NZ) Kurtkir Maraba (UK)
Sire: Kurtkir Maraba (UK) Dam: Marchael Sevimli of Kurtkir (UK) sire of Kerubi Of Hex (Imp NZ)
ow: S & R Freshwater RANSU
Ransu Marchael - foundation dog of COOETONG
Sire: Anadol Barcak (Imp UK) Dam: Truvas Febiha (Imp UK)
Ransu Yarin
working dog & top producer - littersister of Ransu Marchael
Sire: Anadol Barcak (Imp UK) Dam: Truvas Febiha (Imp UK)
ow: S & R Freshwater RANSU
Stockguard Aghar @ 7 months old
Sire: Kamish Meram at Iradene (Imp UK) Dam: Keneven Cala (Imp UK)
Grandsire of CH. Nivri Shushtah
ow: M Crosthwaite KARABASH
Fonsington Bal
littersister of Fonsington Bayane and Fonsington Mecca.
Sire: Ransu Asiluk Dam: Cooetong Bulut
Stockguard Rakip @ 9 months old
working stock protection dog & renowned guard against humans
earned acclaim with Tasmanian Police helping to apprehend two would-be thieves
Sire: Stockguard Clye Dam: Keneven Cala (Imp UK)
CH. Nivri Shushtah - broodbitch @ CAPPADOCIA
dam of Cappadocia Cello (aka Takas).
Sire: Karabash Conquerer Dam: Glenbank Haz
ow: M Charnstrom CAPPADOCIA
Arkadas Cesur
Sire: Cooetong Kucuk Ayi Dam: Fonsington Bayane
Breeder: A Nippers
Arkadas Fayda
dam of Hakiki Hazine and sister of CH. Arkadas Fazilet
Sire: Anadol Goeka Yeni Amir (Imp) Dam: Fonsington Bayane
Breeder: A Nippers HAKIKI
Sivas Regals Pasha (Exp TUR to USA) - import semen Sue Kocher with Alabas @ 12 years old - sire of Sivas Regals Pasha.
sire of top ANKC Kangal Dog bitch, Hakiki Latif ow. Mr Sonmez (Kangal, Turkey)
Sire: Alabas Dam: Comar
ow: A Nippers HAKIKI
Ayla (Imp DEU) Hakiki Latif - ANKC Kangal Dog
from E. Von Buchwaldt's Kangal Dog Rescue in Germany Sire: Sivas Regals Pasha (Turkey) Dam: Ayla (Imp Germany)
dam of ANKC Kangal Dog bitch, Hakiki Latif ow: T Page COOETONG
Sire: Kangal (DEU) Dam: Laika (DEU)
ow: A Nippers HAKIKI
Kangal Aga's Ulu Bey (Imp USA) Kangal's Aga Ulu Bey (Imp USA)
Sire: Kangal Aga's Orhan (USA) Dam: Kangal Aga's Simsek (Imp TUR)
ow: A. Nippers HAKIKI
Cooetong Gamse Cooetong Gamse @ 13 years old, dec. at 15yo
Sire: Cooetong Kanyak Dam: Arkadas Fedakar sister Cooetong Yakut dec. at 16 years old.
Aus CH Cobankopegi Babayani Aus & Am CH Cobankopegi Ala (Exp USA) Cobankopegi Bahityar - working LGD
Sire: Hisar Mimar (Imp UK) Dam: Robinhill Barisci brother of CH. Cobankopegi Babyani brother of CH. Cobankopegi Babyani
ow: M Charnstrom CAPPADOCIA
CH. Cappadocia Ecey
Sire: CH. Cobankopegi Babayani Dam: Cottelli Diamond
ow: M Charnstrom CAPPADOCIA
CH. Berdina Smokey Cappadocia Kiymetli
Sire: Berdina Karsky Dam: Berdina Rislynne broodbitch @ SILVERWERRO
Bullmonarch Izmir CH. Hisar Kader (Imp UK)
Sire: Niliamongup Bonser Dam: Kaplica Alanya red fawn rough coat, sire of Kaplica Alanya
ow: S & T Moore KORUYUCU Sire: Dam:
ow: S Viner
Cooetong Kanyak
Sire: Stockguard Rakip Dam: Fonsington Bal
Breeder: T Page COOETONG
Important contributors to the Anatolian Shepherds in Australia
Anatolian Shepherd Dog breed information booklet 1987
working dog RANSU ALAMET, foundation bitch of KARABASH kennel.
Sire: Anadol Barcak (Imp UK) Dam: Truvas Febiha (Imp UK)
Personal account of an encounter with a native Shepherd Dog in Turkey, 1936
~ Acknowledgements & Appreciation ~
I would like to thank the foundation breeders of Australia for sharing documents, photographs, articles, stories
to enable the breed history of the Anatolian Karabash / Anatolian Shepherd Dog / Kangal Dog in Australia to be collated.
Terry Page - COOETONG
Dean Beynon - IRADENE
Sue Freshwater - RANSU
Phillip Johnston, for Marjorie Johnston - NILIAMONGUP
Marilyn Crosthwaite - KARABASH
Maureen Charnstrom - CAPPADOCIA
Anne Nippers - ARKADAS & HAKIKI
Coralie Nauman - CORDANNAO